
“What do you do?”

“I translate.”

 “That’s interesting! And what’s your job?”


This exchange may raise a smile, but sadly it is all too common an occurrence. In many parts of the world, Italy included, the translation market is unregulated; there is no official professional register, and professional accreditation certification can be hard to verify.

Translation quality is also difficult to quantify. Typos, formatting errors, terminology problems and other issues may be easy to spot, especially if machine translation is used without recourse to a capable editor. But there is much more to it than that.

Nevertheless, by following the key principles underlying any quality process, the margins for error can be almost eliminated by applying best practices throughout the entire workflow. In our sector, these are:

  • using exclusively professional translators who are native speakers of the target language
  • using exclusively qualified project managers dedicated to client satisfaction
  • using exclusively state-of-the-art project-management and computer-aided-translation systems
  • always basing the translation process around the client and their needs
  • having every text checked and revised by a dedicated professional (quality control)
  • consistently applying a strict code of professional ethics
  • prompt, responsive customer service and meeting translation delivery deadlines
  • communicating clearly and transparently at all times.

InnovaLang follows all these principles as an article of faith.

And we should be delighted to show you how – to begin, simply request a quotation here!