Our guarantee

InnovaLang guarantees the quality of our work and the delivery time. If you have reason to be dissatisfied with work we have done, we shall provide you with another version as soon as possible at our expense. If this second version also contains proven errors, you will be entitled to a full or partial refund.

If we say we shall deliver after a certain period of time but we actually take over a third as long again, and if this delay is directly and entirely due to InnovaLang, then we shall refund you up to 100% of the fee.

If you wish to complain about some work that we have done for you, here is what to do.

General conditions of sale

We, InnovaLang Srl, apply these conditions to all the work we do for you, our client.

Each translation request must be accompanied by an order for the price agreed with us or a reference to an agreed contract or framework agreement. We shall need to receive this order via email, post or fax, and we may not be able to start work without it. Technical texts must be provided complete with your reference documentation and/or drawings to enable us to interpret them properly. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, translations are billed per word (i.e. based on the number of words in the source text in the original language). If you cancel an order, we shall bill you for 100% of the work done up to that point plus 50% of the remaining work.

Unless otherwise stated, invoices must be paid within 30 calendar days of their respective issue date. If you do not settle our invoice on time, then the entire amount becomes payable immediately, without the need for any further notices or other formalities. We may charge you late-payment interest calculated based on the official Bank of Italy rate in effect on the date when the payment became due. In any event, you must reimburse us in full for any expenses that we may incur in resolving the dispute. If your payment is late, we may suspend work on any orders in progress at the time, at our discretion.

We are not responsible in any circumstances if you do not like the style in which a translation is written – our services are limited to straightforward translation, unless specifically requested otherwise; in any event, our liability is limited to the invoice amount.

We shall consider any complaints, as long as they are received by registered letter within 7 days of delivery of the work (or part thereof). If you wish to make a complaint, please enclose the original documents, the translation that you dispute, and the detail of your complaint. Once 7 days have passed since the work (or part thereof) was delivered, the translation will be considered correct, and no complaints about it can be considered. If you are not satisfied, and if you make a complaint within the above timescales, then we shall edit the disputed translation at our expense and deliver it to you in at most a third of the time that has elapsed since you placed the order. It will be this edited text that will be used to judge the quality of the translation and to decide the amount of any refund, at our discretion.

We accept no liability for delays caused by malfunctions in electronic, postal or courier-based delivery methods beyond our direct control. If we agree to deliver after a certain period of time but we actually take over a third as long again, and if the delay is caused directly and solely by us, then we shall pay you a refund to be agreed between us of up to 100% of the fee for the work that was delivered late.

Under no circumstances can defects in part of a translation call into question the entire work. In that event, we reserve the right to make alterations. Only agreements made between us and you in writing shall have effect.

In the event of non-payment, any representation or reproduction, in full or in part, of the translation is unlawful. If you use material for which you have not paid, then we reserve the right to claim immediate payment for the translation and, where applicable, the relevant copyright fees.

The competent court is the court of Turin, Italy.