In carrying out its activities, InnovaLang strictly adheres to civil, criminal and administrative standards, as well as those set out in this Code and in the ELIA Code of Professional Conduct and Business Practice.

In carrying out its activities, InnovaLang observes the principles of loyalty, honesty and fairness towards all parties with which it enters into a relationship, whether they be customers, suppliers, competitors or third parties.

InnovaLang shall update this Code and ensure it is disseminated via its website

This Code of Ethics shall be shared at the start of any type of collaboration with InnovaLang.

In contractual relations with the customer, InnovaLang shall operate at all times with the utmost clarity, honesty, truthfulness, transparency and completeness of information and empathy.

InnovaLang selects, trains and qualifies suppliers and external resources with the utmost care, in full compliance with its quality requirements, applying the principle of continuous training.
InnovaLang also uses training initiatives to duly involve employees in the pursuit of company targets.
The control systems for the supplies are put in place in the most suitable way possible in relation to the sector and management efficiency.

InnovaLang commits to adhere to all laws regarding employment, with particular regard to legislation on safety for which it shall ensure the updating and continuous training.

InnovaLang complies with the prohibition against abuse of economic dependence, in particular by not causing a significant imbalance of rights and obligations in its own favour.

InnovaLang, in its workflow, applies the principles relating to the quality certification procedures UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 and UNI EN ISO 17100:2017 at all times, under continuous monitoring and control by the Management.

InnovaLang shall operate in strict compliance with Legislative Decree 196/2003 regarding the protection of confidentiality, particularly regarding the processing of personal data, facilitating access, to the extent possible, to the data and information in its possession for those to whom the data and information is directly related.

InnovaLang encourages all activities that can be integrated into its structure and with customers, suppliers and personnel intended to achieve positive effects in the socio-economic and territorial environment based on sustainability criteria.
InnovaLang reserves to refuse any work that directly involves participation in the war industry or in the development, manufacture and marketing of methods, equipment and devices that are explicitly and overtly lethal: any income arising from such work will be donated to Emergency.

In the performance of contracts, InnovaLang adheres to the principle of good faith in an objective sense, with both suppliers and with customers.

In case of dispute, InnovaLang is committed to making a first attempt at conciliation.

In applying this Code, if InnovaLang is found not to comply, please report the details in any form as soon as possible to